R U OK? logo - a conversation could change a life

R U OK? logo and brand elements for external use

The R U OK? primary logo is a protected trademark and can only be used by R U OK? and our major partners

All use of the R U OK? name and logo is restricted. If you are planning an activity or event to support R U OK? and plan to produce your own resources, you may only use the following logos and brand elements in accordance with the permitted use outlined in the below sections:

  • Ask R U OK? Any Day
  • Proudly Supporting R U OK?
  • Make Time To Ask
  • Hey Sport, R U OK?

Use is subject to these conditions of use and the logos must not be altered in any way.  Please note the term  ‘Partner  is reserved for use only by our Major  Partners and Funding Partners  so please do not use the term/s R U OK? Partner, partner with R U OK? etc. in any of your activities.

Use of the R U OK? brand by commercial organisations

We appreciate the support of those in the  business community who help us share the R U OK? message however if you are a business / commercial organisation you are not permitted to use the  R U OK? brand or logo,  promote your business or align with R U OK?  for commercial gain.

Use of our brand or logos by companies is only permitted with prior written approval.  Please read  our Guide to Supporting R U OK?, linked below, before finalising your plans.  

Non-aligned industry sectors and activities

R U OK? has identified the following industry sectors and activities that do not align with our work. We DO NOT permit the use of our name or logo association with any of these including:

  • Tobacco and alcohol manufacture and sale.
  • Armaments manufacture or export.
  • Gambling establishments such as casinos and bookmakers where the primary business is wagering (licensed clubs and venues may be considered).
  • Artwork, products and activities involving the perceived objectification and manipulation of children, women or men (including magazines, books, calendars, films and websites).
  • Pornography.
  • Practices that conflict with R U OK? values.

'Ask R U OK? Any Day' brand element

Permissible for: Approved health promotion activities

This brand element is for use by non-profit and community organisations, and businesses that are supporting the promotion of R U OK? via approved activity (s) . The ‘Ask R U OK? Any Day’ brand element may only be used when an individual or organisation is producing resources that directly relate to the promotion of community activity(s) in support of R U OK? The brand element may only be used for the duration of the activity(s). Use of this brand element for commercial gain is not permitted. Please let us know how you wish to use the ‘Ask R U OK? Any Day' logo element by completing the form below.

R U OK? logo - proudly supporting

'Proudly supporting' brand element

Permissible for:  Approved community events, fundraising and donation activities

This brand element is for use by individuals and organisations which are undertaking a community event in support of R U OK? or activities approved by R U OK? which incorporate raising funds or donations. The brand element may only be used for the duration that such activities are taking place. Please let us know your fundraising plans and how you wish to use this element by completing the form below. 

R U OK? logo -  make time to ask

'Make time to ask' brand element

Permissible for: Approved health promotion activities

This brand element is for use by non-profit and community organisations, and businesses that are supporting the promotion of R U OK? via approved activity (s) .  The ‘Make time to ask’ brand element may only be used when an individual or organisation is producing resources that directly relate to the promotion of community activity(s) in support of R U OK? The brand element may only be used for the duration of the activity(s). Use of this brand element for commercial gain is not permitted.  Please let us know how you wish to use the ‘Make time to ask’ element by completing the form below.

R U OK? logo - Hey Sport, R U OK?

'Hey Sport, R U OK?' brand element

Permissible for: Approved use by community  sport organisations, clubs and teams.

We welcome the support of sporting clubs who choose to add the 'Hey Sport, R U OK?' logo to training or playing uniforms as  encouragement to the members of their sporting community to look out for each other and ask 'Are you OK?' of anyone they know who mighty be struggling with life's ups and downs.  To find out more about how to promote and build an R U OK? Culture for your sport check out our free resources here.

This brand element is for use by non-profit and community sporting organisations, clubs and teams that are supporting the promotion of R U OK? via approved activity (s). It is the only logo approved for use on sporting team playing uniforms.

Use of this brand element for commercial gain is not permitted. Please let us know how you wish to use the ‘Hey Sport, R U OK?’ element by completing the form below.

Request  use of the R U OK? logo and brand elements

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