Are They Triple OK?

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The R U OK? Are They Triple OK? podcast shares insights from emergency service personnel, from the love of the job to the challenges which it brings. We hear the voices of those with lived experience and share practical tools and tips on how we can increase social support for emergency services personnel, how to build a mentally healthy workplace and how to a conversation with a peer or loved one who might be doing it tough. Available now in your podcast feed via the buttons above.


Cover of the R U OK? Are they Triple OK? conversation guide

‘Are They Triple OK?’ is an R U OK? campaign that aims to increase levels of peer and social support for police and emergency services workers nationwide. The campaign provides tips and resources to promote life changing conversations with police and emergency services workers at home and in the workplace to encourage early intervention and help-seeking.

'Are They Triple OK?’ provides free digital and printable resources. Resources include a conversation guide and personal stories from police and emergency services staff and volunteers that demonstrate the life changing impact of an R U OK? conversation. 

The resources can help current and former police and emergency services workers and volunteers and their family and friends start a conversation that could change a life. 

Visit Are They Triple OK? Hub



It can be hard to talk about how you feel, but is there someone that you trust you could talk to? That can really help.

You could also connect with a trusted health professional, like your doctor. If you need immediate support, click on Find Help for 24/7 services.

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