Be an R U OK? Workplace Champion.

Build an R U OK? Culture.


R U OK? cannot do its work without the passion, goodwill, commitment and support of those in the community.​ We thank you for wanting to step up and become an R U OK? Workplace Champion, inspiring more people to start regular, meaningful conversations.

This resource hub is designed to help you feel prepared and ready. We encourage you to view all the items on this page as it’s important to us that you are informed as much as possible during your journey as an R U OK? workplace champion.  ​

You'll find guidelines, templates, tools, videos, the latest news and more to help you show how conversations can change lives.


Our troubles don't clock off when we clock on at work. That's why R U OK? has developed campaigns, resources and materials to help workmates reach out and start a conversation with a colleague they're worried about.

The resources include:

  • Workplace Champions Guide
  • Leaders Guide to Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Workplace Champions Communication Guide
  • Communication Articles

If you have any issues accessing the resources, please contact the R U OK? team.


A slide from the Ask R U OK? Any Day presentation.

Giving a talk or presentation in your school, workplace or community? Use our presentation to share the message 'Ask R U OK? Any Day' and encourage more life-changing conversations.

Download Presentation (PDF) Download Presentation (PPT) Speaking Notes


Any day is a day to ask R U OK? – not only R U OK?Day.

This Activity Planner includes practical tips and ideas for Workplace Champions to engage their workplaces year-round.

Activity Planner (PDF)


Use our activity sheet to share the R U OK? message in your workplace, bring people together and learn make asking, 'are you OK?' a part of your everyday.


As a small business owner, you’ll know the highs and lows of running your own company. While it can be incredibly rewarding, both mentally and financially, stress and challenges are not withstanding.

As an employer, you can face a range of unique challenges that can affect your mental health and the mental health of your staff.

Businesses have faced a number of challenges in recent years. If this has taught us anything though, it’s that fostering a healthy work environment is beneficial to everyone.

This guide can help you encourage regular meaningful conversations and build an R U OK? Culture in your organisation.



R U OK? is not a crisis support or counselling service and our website is not a substitute for professional care. There are a number of support services and resources available for small businesses and sole traders. 

Small Business Debt Helpline

Free, independent and confidential advice for small business owners and sole traders 

sbdh.org.au or 1800 413 828 


People at Work Survey

A free and validated Australian psychosocial risk assessment survey



Information, grants, services and support from across government to help your business succeed. 


Ahead for Business

Support for small business owners to take action on their mental health and wellbeing through personalised resources and tools tailored to their specific needs. 


Leanne, a small business owner, shares the challenges and triumphs of owning a small business, as well as the importance of creating a mentally healthy workplace for yourself and your employees.

Read Leanne's story


Not sure where to start when building an R U OK? Culture in your workplace?

R U OK? have developed a series of pre-written key messages that can be dropped directly into your organisation's communication channels, such as newsletters, printed materials or EDMs.

Workplace Champion Article: Checking in on a colleague


R U OK? Workplace Champions Online Course

This free interactive course has been designed for our registered R U OK? Workplace Champions to provide tips and tools to help build an R U OK? Culture in your workplace.

There are three modules in this series and each module will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.

Click to register

Preparing to be an R U OK? Workplace Champion

These online modules, presented by Chair of the R U OK? Think Tank, Kamal Sarma, will help you feel prepared, informed and ready to be an R U OK? Workplace Champion.​ Each module will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.

It is recommended that you complete these modules when becoming an

R U OK? champion.


Presented by R U OK? and the Black Dog Institute, the Promoting Wellbeing and Help Seeking at Work webinar will help you understand more about common mental health support options and how you can effectively communicate these resources in your workplace.


National Communications Charter

The National Communications Charter is a resource and uniting document for people in the mental health and suicide prevention sectors, government, business and community groups.

The Charter is designed to guide the way we talk about mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, mental ill-health and suicide prevention, with each other and the community.

The Charter serves as a formal commitment to working together and developing better structures and processes for collaboration.​

Communications Charter

Mindframe's National


Mindframe's national guidelines were developed to support safe and accurate media reporting, portrayal and communication of suicide.​

When communicating about suicide it's important to present accurate and safe information to reduce harm and risk to vulnerable audiences.

Mindframe Guidelines

Mentally Healthy Workplaces Digital Platform

This platform has been created as part of the National Workplace Initiative in collaboration with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, subject matter experts, workplaces around Australia and people with lived experience of mental ill-health.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces Digital Platform

Videos, Webinars and Learning Resources

You can watch more video content, including case studies and our Workplace Champions webinars, by clicking the button below.



We appreciate the support of those in the business community who help us share the R U OK? message however if you are a business / commercial organisation you are not permitted to use the R U OK? brand or logo, promote your business or align with R U OK? for commercial gain. Please visit our Fundraising page for more information.


Our troubles don't clock off when we clock on at work. That's why R U OK? has developed campaigns, resources and materials to help workmates reach out and start a conversation with a colleague they're worried about. 

How To Ask at Work


Are you worried about an LGBTIQ+ colleague at work? We can all play a role in supporting our workmates by building a safe, welcoming space for them to turn to for support if they are struggling with life. Visit our LGBTIQ+ page to learn more about how to look out for workmates and how to have an R U OK? conversation in a safe and supportive way. 


The R U OK? Workplace Champions campaign is

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