?R U OK تشجع الناس على التواصل والتحاور المنتظم لمساعدة الآخرين في الأوقات الصعبة في حياتهم.
من خلال التواصل بشكل هادف، وطرح السؤال بصدق، "هل أنت بخير؟"، يمكننا مساعدة أولئك الذين نهتم بهم على الشعور بالدعم.
تحتوي هذه الصفحة على نصائح عملية للتحاور وموارد باللغة العربية والتي يمكن استخدامها في منزلك أو مدرستك أو مكان عملك أو مجموعتك في المجتمع المحلي
تم إعداد هذا الفيديو من قِبل أعضاء المجتمع المحلي الناطق باللغة العربية لمساعدة الآخرين في مجتمعهم المحلي على إجراء محادثة هادفة عند مواجهة تقلبات الحياة
.أنقر فوق أيقونات مكبر الصوت لسماع نسخة صوتية من هذا الملصق، يجب تحميل الملصق أولاً حتى يعمل تشغيل الصوت
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R U OK? is an Australian suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times.
R U OK? acknowledges Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We are an inclusive organisation and respect people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.
R U OK? is an Australian suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times.
R U OK? acknowledges Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We are an inclusive organisation and respect people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.
R U OK? is an Australian suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times.
R U OK? acknowledges Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We are an inclusive organisation and respect people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.